Every Score Counts

Before and After

Before and After

Parents want their children to have a bright future to look forwards to. And for that, they want them to excel in their studies and be better than most of their classmates. But they get dissapointed when their child gets home with a report card of seventy. Their efforts seem to not be enough.

Have your parents hired a tutor for you? Are your grades rising? No? Well, these are steps in becoming a student who can pass a test with flying colors.

If you think the periodical test is the only thing significant, then you’re actually quite wrong. As I’ve experienced, just one low score in a seat work can pull your grades down. As much as possible, aim perfect in seat works, and more so on assignments because someone at home is surely there to guide you.

Not doing the projects is actually quite bad. My classmate, who had not done her projects, hit the bottom of the pool with flying colors. It shows that the more stuff in school you haven’t done, the more pull your grades will feel.

The key to passing surprise tests is studying. After doing all the assignments and projects, always allot time for it. It is better to study the subjects that you have difficulty in. And if your teacher decides not to make it a surprise test, then you’d better study because the fact that it is not a ‘surprise’ is an advantage in itself.

Enough about studying. Attitude always matters. No matter what school, province, country, or continent you are, attitude is always significant. For example, you are good enough to be in tenth place, but because you constantly get scolded, your rank dropped to twelve. Teachers expect students who are a part of the top ten to have more discipline, and that’s why it is very embarrassing when the teacher scolds someone as smart as that, especially when they’re in the top five.

If you aren’t a part of the top ten, then I’ll tell you a ‘little’ secret only ‘smart’ people know of. The top ten students aren’t really smart. They force themselves to exceed their potentials because of their rank and the expectation that society expects of them. They have out-of-the-world scores in everything because they know that every score counts.

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